Sunday, August 31, 2014

Amazing Pyramid

EGYPT is famous for the existence of pyramids. But EGYPT is not the only place in the world with pyramids.Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza near the great river Nile is the most famous pyramids in the world. Pyramids are also found south of Egypt in the Nubian kingdom of Meroe, in the cities of the Maya throughout Central and South America, and, in a variation on the form, in China.

Pyramid of Hellinikon
Evidence of pyramid-building in Greece exists in archaeological excavations at Hellenicon and in the works of the ancient writer Pausanius who recorded seeing two pyramids in Greece. The Grecian pyramids function remains mysterious in that the ruins at Hellenicon are not as well preserved as the pyramids of Egypt and there exist no records by the Greeks mentioning pyramid-building.

Mayan Pyramid in America
The most outstanding example of pyramid building in Egypt was the Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza,with a base covering 13 acres and composed of 2,300,000 stone blocks. Known as the Horizon of Khufu in ancient times, the pyramid was positioned for precise astrological alignment. No pyramids are more celebrated than the Great Pyramids of Giza, located on a plateau on the west bank of the Nile River, on the outskirts of modern-day Cairo. The oldest and largest of the three pyramids at Giza, known as the Great PyramidThe sides of the pyramid’s base average 755.75 feet (230 meters), and its original height was 481.4 feet (147 meters), making it the largest pyramid in the world.

The most exiting thing while we study or read about pyramids is its accuracy in construction. Even with our modern technology we wont be able to construct a pyramid with the accuracy with which it has been built in those ancient times. The most amasing thing is that, the construction of pyramid is purely in metric system, but the known date from which we, the modern man used meter is since 1797.  


The Great Pyramid is the most accurately aligned structure in existence and faces true north with only 3/60th of a degree of error. The position of the North Pole moves over time and the pyramid was exactly aligned at one time.

The Great Pyramid is located at the centre of the land mass of the earth. The east/west parallel that crosses the most land and the north/south meridian that crosses the most land intersect in two places on the earth, one in the ocean and the other at the Great Pyramid.

The four faces of the pyramid are slightly concave. The curvature designed into the faces of the pyramid exactly matches the radius of the earth.

The weight of the pyramid is estimated at 5,955,000 tons. Multiplied by 10^8 gives a reasonable estimate of the earth’s mass.

Twice the perimeter of the bottom of the granite coffer times 10^8 is the sun’s mean radius. [270.45378502 Pyramid Inches* 10^8 = 427,316 miles].

The relationship between Pi (p) and Phi (F) is expressed in the fundamental proportions of the Great Pyramid. The height of the pyramid to the missing apex formed by extending the sides is 5813 PI. The perfect formula height of the pyramid including the missing apex is 5813.2355653763+ PI, calculated from perimeter of base (sidereal socket level) divided by 2 Pi.
The height to the missing apex is 5812.98 PI.
The height of the pyramid without the capstone is 5496 PI.

The 5 angles of the Great Pyramid are:
edge to edge of face at apex =76:17:13.2 (degrees - minutues - seconds),
edge to diagonal edge at apex = 96:3:0.0, dihedral or
face to face parallel to base = 112:25:39.4
edge to base = 41:59:50.5
face to base = 51:51:14.3.

The Great Pyramid is the only pyramid to have chambers above ground level.
The volume of the pyramid is:
V = 1/3 base area x height =161,559,817,000 cubic
PI = 10,339,828.3 cubic pyramid cubits
{(5813.2355653 PI)/3 * 9131 PI * 9131 PI}

The length of the Great Pyramid's corner edges are 8688.00 PI.

The slant face height of the Great Pyramid's sides are 7391.72 PI.

The area of the base covers 13.3 acres or 83,375,161 sq. PI.

The area of each face covers 10.8 acres or 67,493,782 sq PI.

The angle of the Descending Passage is 26 deg, 18 min, 9.5 sec or about 26.30 degrees.

The passages are straight to within 0.013 in. per 100 ft. The dimensions of the Descending Passage are 4535 PI in length, 41.524 PI in width, and 36.197 PI in height. [4:197]

The length of the Ascending passage from the junction of the Descending Passage to the Grand Gallery is 1543.46451 PI.

The length of a base side is 9131 pyramid inches measured at the mean socket level, or 365.24 pyramid cubits, which is the number of days in a year. {9131/25 = 365.24, accurate to 5 digits}

The perimeter of the base divided by 100 = 365.24, the number of days in a year. {9131 PI * 4 / 100, accurate to 5 digits}

The length of the Antechamber used as the diameter of a circle produces a circumference of 365.242. {accurate to 6 digits}

The length of the granite portion of the floor of the antechamber to the King's Chamber times 2*sqrt(Pi) = 365.242

The ratio of the lengths of the Grand Gallery to the solid diagonal of the King's Chamber times 100 equals the number of days in a tropical year. {(1881.5985600 / 51.516461) * 100 = 365.242200, accurate to 8 digits}

The sum of the pyramid's two base diagonals in PI = length of the Precession of the Equinoxes (~25827 years)

The distance from the ceiling of the King's Chamber to the apex of the pyramid = 4110.5 PI. Which is the radius of a circle whose circumference = the precession of the equinoxes. {4110.5 * 2 * Pi= 25827}

The perimeter of the 35th course of blocks, which is much thicker than any of the other courses, gives a figure for the precession of the equinoxes.

The average height of land above sea level for the earth is 5449 inches. This is also the height of the pyramid.

The pyramid suggests a temperature system: 0 = freezing point of water, 50 = unvarying temp of Queen's Chamber, 250 = boiling point of water.
Given this, then 1000 = temp of red hot iron, 4000 = temp that iron liquifies, and 5000 = temp of white heat and temp that platinum fuses. Nice round numbers. [39:45] - 5 cubic pyramid inches of earth of average density has the same mass as 1/(50x50) of the coffer's volume of water at a temperature that is 1/5th the difference between freezing and boiling.

On midnight of the autumnal equinox in the year of the Great Pyramid's completion, a line extending from the apex pointed to the star Alcyone.